Check parts
Open the package, please check item by item according to the parts list in the instruction document.

If there is any defect, please do not continue to use it for the time being and contact our customer service staff after taking photos or video recordings.

Turn on the power
Turn on the power, please check whether the four battery indicator lights are all on, and then check whether the LCD screen displays information such as the current spectrum and working status correctly.

Check visually for smoke and smell for burning odors.

Connect the charging cable
Connect the attached magnetic charging cable and check whether the charging light is blinking normally.

It is strongly recommended to use the included USB charger and magnetic charging cable, or make sure that the power of other USB chargers provided by you is above 2A, so as not to affect performance due to insufficient power, or even cause overheating or damage to the USB charger.

Adjust Brightness and Check cooling fan Function
Lightly touch the five-way switch to adjust the illuminance, and at the same time check whether the illuminance of the LCD screen and the lighting board are changed correctly.

When the illuminance exceeds a certain level, the cooling fan will start automatically. At this time, you can use visual inspection or put your ear close to the fan end to check whether the cooling function is normally activated.

Adjust color temperature
Lightly touch the five-way switch to adjust the color temperature, and at the same time check whether the color temperature of the LCD screen and the lighting panel changes correctly.

Unless it is used alone in a completely dark environment, the color temperature and illuminance of the work will be slightly different due to the interference of ambient light sources. In addition, colored glasses and differences in personal vision will also affect the appearance.

Check auto attitude sensing(3D Sensing)
Slowly rotate the lamp body to check whether it will automatically reduce the illuminance to all extinguished, and then return to normal after turning it back.

Be very careful not to drop it while spinning.

Adjust function options
Press the five-way switch to adjust whether the functions such as "Always On", "3D Sensing", "Take a Break" and "Always On" are working normally.

When you tap to the "Take a Break", the fan will continue to run for a while in order to continue to discharge the heat.

Turn off the power
After turning off the power, the previously set illuminance and color temperature levels will disappear, and need to be set again after restarting. Therefore, it is more convenient to use the "Take a Break" if it is not used for a long time.

After turning off the power, the charging indicator will still be on, and it will automatically turn off after a while.

After turning off the power, the cooling fan will stop running immediately. If you use it for a long time, please wait for a few minutes for the heat to dissipate before storing it.

Q: How to fix this lamp on the chest? How to continue to use it after returning home?
A: We have included a shoulder and neck strap, just put the light in the loop after wearing it.

There are also peripheral products that can be purchased, such as: an apron with two silicone rings on it, which is very convenient.

In addition, there are lamp holders or lamp clips, which can be done with a single clip.

Q: Many similar products can already be controlled by mobile APP, or have a remote control attached, why not yours?
A: This device is for portable use, within easy reach in front of you, and all functions can be adjusted with a single button, not to mention that the mobile phone may be far away.

As for the remote control, the reason is the same as above (and it's easy to lose).

Adding a little trouble to yourself is usually easier and greener.

Q: Can it be used as an auxiliary fill light for photography? Can it be used longer?
A: In theory, yes, but the distance can't be too far.

There is no problem if it lasts longer, but the volume and weight will increase, and it is very inconvenient to carry it with you, so we have made some restrictions and sacrifices.

After all, the original design was aimed at obtaining an illumination of 1000 lm within the range of 40cm~60cm from the center point of the luminaire up, down, left, and right at an angle of 120 degrees, and the color temperature must meet the ideal.

In addition, it needs to last for at least one hour at full load output for a long time, and it must be light and wearable, so it is not designed to be brighter and last longer.

It is of course very simple to make it brighter, but the use time will be shortened; if the use time is longer, it cannot be too bright.

This is a dilemma between the indestructibility of matter and the limitations of current technological conditions. There are many on the market that claim to be able to use for more than ten hours, but the power consumption is obviously not up to par. We think it・s good to have a look at this kind of advertising. After the sea water recedes, you can clearly see who is not wearing Pants.

Q: Why can't it be installed on the camera tripod head? Or on top of the camera flash hot shoe?
A: In fact, it is possible, but you need to purchase a tripod clamp or a hot shoe conversion clip separately.

The side panel on the lamp body is the control area, and the side net on the other side is the cooling fan area, and there is not enough space on both sides to install 1/4 hole nuts.

The body of the lamp is in the shape of a circular arc tube. Drilling a 1/4 hole will easily crack, and there will be doubts about the durability. Therefore, a non-invasive fixture is used to solve the problem.

The fixtures mentioned above are all sold at the same time, the price is very affordable, and they can be used for other purposes, so don・t worry too much.

Q: Why a glass case? Can't it be plastic, aluminum alloy or other materials?
A: good question!

In fact, aluminum alloy was chosen at the beginning, but it had to be molded and milled, and we was worried that the vibration would cause the circuit board parts to touch the casing and cause a short circuit failure. There was no way to weld the stainless steel side plate and side grid, so we gave up;

Then we wanted to switch to PVC, PC or acrylic plastic, but because PVC is too poisonous, it has been restricted or directly banned by many countries, so we gave it up soon (and the light transmittance is not good);

The next step is to change it to acrylic, the light transmission is not bad, but the disadvantage is that it is very afraid of scratches;

Then there is the PC tube, which is slightly less transparent than acrylic, and it is still not scratch-resistant.

So in the end, We compromised and turned it into a quartz glass tube. The light transmittance, heat dissipation, and scratch resistance are all the best performances, but it cannot withstand any slight collision (but it is really beautiful,,);

And is it really more durable and drop-resistant to use a metal case? Are you worried about external injuries or internal injuries when you fall in a collision?

We should be more worried about internal injuries, right? Moreover, this lamp is for general civilian use, not military regulations.

Q: Can it be waterproof?
A: Of course "NO", and do not take it to the hot springs...

It is not difficult to be fully sealed and waterproof, but it cannot dissipate heat. If the heat of the LED cannot be dissipated, the lifespan will be greatly reduced. This is the last thing we want to see.

What's more, in the process of creation or display, how likely is it to be in an environment with high humidity or even rain? In this environment, the work should be the one to worry about, right?

Q: Why dare to claim to be very power-saving?
A: It's simple, it's worthless to put it bluntly.

Change "continuous output" to "pulse output", that's all, simple enough, right? !

But it took us a lot of effort and time to realize this ideal, because the control method has to be upgraded from a pure analog mode of continuous energy consumption to a pure digital mode of automatic induction and judgment output by a smart program.

During more than two years, we have been modifying and testing samples all the way. If it is not satisfactory, we will scrap it and start again. This made our relatives and friends start to wonder if we are suffering from paranoia.

But Heaven helps those who help themselves, and finally succeeded, and leapfrogged to fight monsters. Compared with the current highest specification computer screen 250Hz update frequency, this saves power and does not hurt the eyes. Put it on the lighting output to eliminate or reduce all unnecessary consumption, such as: the cooling fan will automatically switch on and off according to the different illuminance, instead of running continuously, etc.

If you only look at the technical level, it is not too difficult, but the thinking behind it is actually more tortuous.

Are you willing to think about things close to the pain points of users?

Are you willing to design from the perspective of environmental protection and energy saving?

Willing to work towards a durable goal?

Technology is really not difficult, in fact, it is all a matter of attitude.

Q: Is the light output really accurate?
A: Of course, we first test it ourselves, and then send it to a third-party impartial unit for inspection. The data should be credible (otherwise, I don・t know who else to trust?).

But to remind is: "variables will be in the environment."

If the surrounding light source is very weak, then there is no big problem; but if the ambient light source is strong, such as under the sun, it is recommended to simply turn off the device and not use it (at this time, a sun visor should be needed).

Some people also asked why it can't detect the ambient light source for automatic adjustment?

Of course, it is possible to use AI data calculations, but it was eventually cancelled.

The reason is that the users are different, the purposes are different, the methods are different, and the occasions are different, etc. We found that the benefits of automatic regulation are not obvious (or maybe that AI calculation is too stupid?).

Besides, "Toning" is a very subjective feeling. Some people think red and green are shitty, but some people think it's really beautiful, so we think it's better not to intervene. In the end, it's still up to the user to decide .

Q: Does this light keep blinking?
A: Blinking is necessary because it saves power.

Or to put it another way: "All light sources on the market will flicker, without exception."

Whether it is tungsten lamp, halogen lamp, fluorescent lamp or LED lamp, etc., flicker will occur. If you're using AC, the flicker frequency is usually the frequency of the AC (50 or 60Hz or double that), but the situation is worse with LEDs because the flicker index (or modulation depth) is usually worse than traditional light sources, so usually More than double the requirement.

In fact, even if consumers can't feel it, the retina can still distinguish the flicker of 100 to 150Hz. Some studies even found that it is possible to sense flicker as high as 200Hz, but the results show that as long as it can be higher than 160Hz, the impact on health is negligible (IEEE P1789, February 2010).

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star lighting project manager Alex Baker released a public document on March 22, 2010, setting the minimum flash frequency requirement at 120Hz so far.

So what is this light frequency?


Well over four times the norm, so don't worry about it.

Q: Why is there no memory function?
A: It used to be, but it was cancelled.

Because the mode used last time may not be the same as the needs of the next use, even if you remember it, you may not remember what you recorded next time, so wouldn・t it be useless?

Moreover, there is only one five-way switch for the operation function key, the four directions are used for color temperature and illuminance, and the fifth direction is used to change the cycle of "Always On", "3D Sensing", "Take a Break". it is bound to require one more button, or the fifth-direction pressing action must have more functions, and this also means that more pressings are required to complete a cycle, but this violates our original intention of keeping things simple and concise .

In fact, the preset value of power-on is in the middle, that is, the color temperature is 4000K and the illuminance is 300lm. The advantage of this is that it is convenient to go up or down. It should take less than half a minute to adjust, and it won't be a waste of time.

The ability to remember the last setting "maybe" included (but not guaranteed), for the same reasons explained at the beginning.

Q: Can the computer program help me to continuously calculate and fine-tune the output color temperature and illuminance after setting an output value requirement?
A: Can't! Although we have already made this function.

The reason is simple: "power consumption".

After booting up, during the setting process, the program will calculate how much power to output to the lamp chip. After confirmation, it will decide to continue to give a fixed pulse signal to the power amplifier unit to light up the lamp chip according to the instruction. That・s all, because there is no There are new instructions, so most of the functions of the microprocessor CPU are resting and dozing, so it will not consume much power.

But if you want to become "dynamic", you must first add a lot of environmental detection and receiving components, send out the detection signal and then receive it back, then compare it with the current situation, and automatically issue instructions for fine-tuning, it is not difficult; but In this way, everyone is busy in and out, which means that everyone is consuming energy, and more components will generate more energy consumption, and the use time will be shortened, or the battery capacity will be increased and the weight will become heavier. More expensive, is it really better?

Has anyone thought about voice control? Shout "Hey, Simon, the color temperature is 3500, the illumination is 800, constant brightness", "Observance, boss", isn't it better?

Add a small Bluetooth speaker to listen to music?

Adding a USB head can be used as a mobile power supply?

Add a level or a ruler, or give it a few blades and a few screwdrivers to use as a Swiss Army knives?

In fact, it is very simple to add a bunch of cool features, but giving up some features will make people think hard, just like "Lord of the Rings".

Q: Why not produce abroad to reduce costs?
A: At present, many Southeast Asian countries (including China) are still the factories of the world. That・s right. Looking at the parts and components sold in Taiwan, even if they are Taiwanese brands or international famous brands, many of them are actually produced in foreign countries. Everyone knows it well.

But sourcing components is one thing, putting together a bunch of parts and testing them is quite another.

First of all, under the state machinery where the rule of man is greater than the rule of law, changing the rules day and night will make people feel at a loss and even go crazy.

Furthermore, after the last two side panels are installed, dismantling and repairing them is equivalent to directly scrapping the main shell and the two side panels. In addition to losing money and man-hours, it will also delay the delivery date, so we decided to let the accumulated For decades, it would be safer for dedicated and responsible Taiwanese to produce.

The last is the impact of the epidemic. In case something happens, even if it is far away in Taiwan, it is guaranteed to be able to discuss countermeasures face to face within a few hours; but if it is produced abroad, as long as there is a small problem that needs to be resolved in person, it will be resolved as soon as possible. It will be possible after half a month. Will it be more cost-effective?

And what I said above has not mentioned the concerns of "counterfeiting" ...

It is true that the production cost in Taiwan is high, but in exchange for a good night's sleep, it is worth it!

Q: Will this product become an orphan? What is the warranty promise?
A: Someday!

It's like my i5 is almost lying flat. It's not broken, but it doesn't update. It's stuck all day. It's really frustrating.

That's why we carefully considered the product life cycle at the beginning. For protection measures, parts preparation, warranty maintenance, etc., we planned from the perspective of our own use. After more than two years of discussion and choice; Or the tasteless products that leave a bad name are much better.

There is no plan for yearly upgrades or revisions of this product from the very beginning of its design.

If you want more and stronger functions, you have to buy a new product, so once it is released to the public, it is doomed to "Must be used for a long, long, long time." Among them, there should be only the following three possibilities: " Battery", "LED light board" and "Control switch" (the original cooling fan claims 20,000 hours, converted to nearly seven years, it should be enough).

We provide a three-month warranty for the "Battery", "LED light board" and "Control switch", because the parts that will fail will be reimbursed in about seven days on average, and three months is enough for observation.

The rest provide a one-year warranty (including accessory accessories), and we will accept compensation for any damage under normal use: just because we are not good at learning and need to be improved, it is reasonable to pay some tuition fees.

Q: What does the so-called "Emergency backup plan(SOS)" mean?
A: It was about to start class next week, but suddenly found that the light was broken..., Going crazy...?!

The "emergency backup plan" was conceived to make up for this shortcoming.

The operation method is very simple, you must first order the points of this plan, and then report through the APP immediately if the product fails , delivered to you with the fastest logistics speed, and at the same time take back the products in condition for overhaul, and solve your uninterrupted use needs as the primary consideration.

In terms of efficiency and service quality, we will entrust "Ta-Q-Bin" or "Post Office Express" to be responsible for the logistics delivery operation. If the situation occurs before 15:00 from Monday to Friday, it will usually be received the next day; Notices on Saturdays and Sundays can only be processed on Mondays, so they can only be received on Tuesdays at the earliest.

For more urgent same-day backup, you can use "Motorcycle Express" to provide services including "Keelung City", "Taipei City", "New Taipei City(most areas)", "Taoyuan City(most areas)", "Hsinchu County(most areas)", "Taichung City (most areas)", "Tainan City (most areas)" and "Kaohsiung City (most areas)", but when such efficient delivery is required, of course more points will be deducted.

(Maybe there are other ways to not need to join this plan: "Buy two, one as a backup,,?!" :P

Q: I don't know if it meets my needs?
A: Your concern is correct.

This product is specially designed for "high expectations for correct color performance". Whether it is color temperature, illuminance, color rendering, battery life, attitude switch, mobility, ease of operation, eye protection, etc., it has been invested in long-term research and development. The inspection by the third-party impartial unit for inspection is consistent with the content of the document.

Of course, we also look forward to all the advice from all walks of life, so as to make this product better and better to help you fully display your artistic talent.

Q: Where can I buy it?
A: Many distribution channel.

You can buy it in major e-commerce channels, art supply stores, exhibition venues, etc.

But because the promotions of each channel are different, please do more comparisons before buying.

Q: Can I return or exchange the product after receiving it?
A: Of course, this is your right, but you can only return or exchange the product in an unopened state.

After unpacking, if any defects are found that do not conform to the instructions contained in the advertising materials and the outer packaging, the customer service staff will take over to handle the return and replacement, so you don't have to worry at all.

In addition, emotional or personal reasons such as "did not match expectations", "difference from imagination", "poor texture", etc., are not within the scope of return and exchange, please be sure before purchasing for more evaluation, welcome to browse the product demonstration video:

Q: Can I use it immediately after opening the package?
A: Don't rush to use it, please check first.

After receiving the product, please be sure to check for any damage or missing parts immediately. If there is any damage, please take a photo or video immediately to protect your rights; the list of contents is printed on the packaging box, so that you can compare whether there are any omissions.

Q: Why do I need to register after getting it?
A: There are QR barcodes on the documentation and the product body, please use your mobile phone to scan and add "Official LINE@" friends to ensure and accelerate our Serve. Then visit "product registration page", fill in the basic purchase information to complete the registration.

Q: Do I need to charge it before using it?
A: Not used for now.

This product has been charged to about 50% before leaving the factory, which is enough for you to be familiar with the functions of each switch button and practice operation;

After a general understanding, it is still recommended that you fully charge the product, adjust the product to the continuous maximum illuminance, and record when it is out of power and turn off, so as to compare whether the actual use time is in line with the specification. If you have any doubts, please contact us immediately. Contact customer service.

Q: Do I need to keep the white plastic sheet on the outer layer?
A: Please don't throw it away.

It is made of very expensive Teflon film, not ordinary plastic.

Its purpose is to prevent scratches caused by friction during the storage of the main body of the product.

When using the product, please put the Teflon protective sheet back into the metal protective gear. After using the product and making sure to shut it down, put the Teflon protective sheet back on the main body of the product, and then put it back into the metal protective gear and lock the cover.

Q: Can I use a non-original charger or charging cable?
A: Yes.

But maybe the charging time will be longer, or it may not always be fully charged.

In any case, please be sure to use equipment and wires that have been inspected and approved by the competent authority and have a charging capacity of more than 2A.

Q: Will it break if accidentally dropped on the ground?
A: Of course it will be broken.

The price you must pay for the pursuit of high-transparency color rendering: "Handle with care and operate with care."

Metal protective gear is not designed for falling, but to protect the product from breaking when it is squeezed in a backpack, such as: "taking the MRT".

Q: How to remove it from the metal guard correctly?
A: Never put it down vertically.

This product will be broken due to the impact of falling into it. Please put the Teflon film back on the product first, then gently put it into the metal protective gear at a horizontal angle for more than 2/3, and then lightly touch it with your fingers. Push it all the way, then lock the cover tightly.

Q: How long does it take to run normally after starting up?
A: Please press the main switch to power on first.

Wait for a few seconds for the computer program to complete the self-test, and then you can start to operate.

After starting up, the default illumination is 300 lumens, and the color temperature is 4000K. You can adjust it according to the actual needs at that time, and the adjusted actual output will be displayed on the screen.

Q: What should I do if the color temperature and illuminance I want cannot be adjusted?
A: No way, there is a limit.

In such a small space, microcomputer chips, gyroscope sensing modules, large-capacity batteries, power conversion, security protection, LEDs, screens, etc. must be packed in, and heat dissipation issues must also be taken into account, as well as the general acceptance of the price. Only from 2900K~6500K, the maximum illumination can only reach 1000 lumens, the effective distance is about 45cm, and the irradiation range is 120 degrees.

We also look forward to the rapid development of technology and the ability to provide more advanced solutions in the near future.

Q: Can I plug in the charger to keep the product on?
A: Not recommended.

What we design is a fill light for professional use in the art field, not an emergency light, and certainly not a magic light.

All things in the world except stones, in fact, everyone needs to find time to take a break, and this product is the same.

Q: Do I have to wear a special apron to use it?
A: Not necessarily.

It can also be hung around the neck with a strap, or clamped with a telescopic rod, or it can be stood on a table. These peripheral devices are pre-thought out for you and can be easily purchased.

Q: What should I do if the light suddenly turns off after using it?
A: Take it easy.

Usually caused by a power outage.

At this time, please turn off the power, connect the USB charger or mobile power supply to charge, unplug the charging cable after full charging, and then turn on the power, do not use this product as a mobile phone or tablet, use it while plugged in, it will easily break down.

Q: What should I do if the work is only half done if it breaks or breaks down?
A: Don't worry.

We can provide emergency assistance, as long as you have joined the "Emergency Backup Plan(SOS)", we will try our best to deliver products with the same function to you as quickly as possible, so that you will have no worries.

Q: Do I need to turn it off before putting it back into the metal protective gear after use?
A: Of course "Yes".

In addition to saving power, it can also avoid product damage caused by the continuous heat generated by the product that is not shut down in the metal protective gear and has nowhere to vent.

Q: How to put it back into the metal protective gear after use?
A: Please wipe off the remaining sweat stains on the surface with the attached glasses cloth first.

And never drop it vertically.

Doing so may cause damage due to the impact of falling in.

Please slowly put it into the metal protective gear at a horizontal angle for more than 2/3, then gently push it to the end with your fingers, and lock the cover.

Q: Can it be put on the car?
A: Never.

Because it may be damaged due to the high temperature that rises sharply in summer.

1. Those who have installed a "Permanent pacemaker(PPM)" should not wear this product on the chest. If you still need to use it, please purchase a "Desktop clamp" and keep it as far away from the chest as possible.

2. This product is designed with high precision. Please handle it carefully and securely when taking and storing it, and do not let children play with it.

3. Do not disassemble the product by yourself. If you need maintenance service, please contact customer service personnel.

4. Do not look directly at the luminescent panel after the power is turned on, or shine it directly into other people's eyes, so as not to damage eyesight.

5. Do not cover the two ends when using, so as not to affect heat dissipation, or even cause product damage.

6. Please avoid using it in an environment with high temperature, humidity, turbid air quality (dust), and organic solvents scattered (narrow and airtight oil painting studio) to prevent fire.

7. Please use the included glasses cloth to wipe clean to avoid scratches.

8. This product uses a high-quality lithium battery, which can be charged at any time. If the product is used frequently until the battery is completely exhausted before charging, the battery life will be reduced.

9. The lamp tube of this product cannot withstand knocking, please be sure to handle it with care.