What you see is what you get?
What you see is "not" what you get?
    From childhood to adulthood, we must have taken art and labor courses, and started to work when they grew up. Some people are engaged in art creation, and some are teachers to teach art skills. The things that must be done, from choosing the clothes to wear today after waking up, to facing various tasks at work, and finally going to the market to buy food before going home, we have been making choices in the "Colorful and colorful world".

    In addition to personal preferences, in fact, many times we are deeply influenced by the surface color of objects.

    As a result, are the colors my eyes see real? Does it meet our expectations? Or a request from a supervisor? Customer's order specification? Or even the preferences of relatives and friends around you?

    If you want to get to the bottom of this series of uncertain factors, they all have a direct linkage relationship with "LIGHT".

    The originals of the following pictures are exactly the same, and the camera equipment and settings are also the same, but they are obviously different. The reason is the difference in "LIGHT", simply put, just "illuminance" and "color temperature" are different.


If the liver is not good, life is not colorful; if the light is not right, the world is chaotic.
    We believe everyone has a common experience:
"The fruit bought at the fruit store is so beautiful, but when we take it home, we find that the color has changed?"
"We feel like a supermodel when we try on clothes in a clothing store, but to go out and look in the mirror the next day after buy them, only to find that they are so different?ˇ¨

    Yes! This is the cruel truth of "Lights change Color".

    It's just because the lights in the store are different from the lights in our house.

    Buying fruits, vegetables and clothing is a common daily chore, but if it is due to work needs, such as: "Product design, production and sales", "Finish edit output", "Portrait or commercial photography", "Arts teaching or research", "Material production and sales", "Home repair and decoration", "Cultural relics restoration and collectionˇ¨, ˇ§High-priced artwork display and tradeˇ¨, etc., are almost too numerous to enumerate. If ˇ§Color Partialˇ¨, then the consequences may be too serious to bear. Similarly, the origin point is still the difference of ˇ§Lightˇ¨.

Without light, cannot see color;
Light is not right, the color must be wrong.
    Looking at the general light-related products on the market, for example, "Flashlight", "Desk lamp", "Standing lamp", "Recessed light", "Spotlight", "Fluorescent lamp", "Photoflood lamp", "Flash lightˇ¨, ˇ§Fill lightˇ¨, etc., most of them are ˇ§Single illumination" and "Single color temperature", even if a few claim to be adjustable, but whether it can actually be displayed can "Conform to the standard" or "Meets the requirement", then it will really become a Rashomon and talk about each other.

    Whether it is a home or a workplace, as long as we simply observe various lamps from around us, whether the illuminance or color temperature can be adjusted: "Ceiling lamps", "Study desk lamp", "Vanity", "Studio", "Classroom", "Factory", etc., have you found that most of them are fixed and cannot be changed?

    If this is the case, then how can you expect to make "Student homework", "Makeupˇ¨, ˇ§Art workˇ¨, ˇ§Customized productsˇ¨, "Graphic design", etc., is the color saturation or hue to be expressed correct?

    Even if the manufacturer has paid attention to the production process and provided perfect products, but when they are transported to the store and put on the display rack, all previous efforts will be wasted because of the wrong lighting in the store. It is really a disaster.

    But itˇ¦s not that we donˇ¦t want to, itˇ¦s just that there is no solution in the current reality, so everyone has to continue to turn a blind eye, and continue to be a "Miss/Mr. Close Enough", the days will continue like this!

I don't want too much,
It's just that the light can be adjusted freely according by my requirements.
    We are a bunch of lazy people, and we would never want to develop it ourselves if we could buy the product directly and use it. Now it is because of "Incorrect light" that we have to go to self-developed, plus Due to the experience and needs of the partners over the years, we really couldn't find suitable products, so we had to start a long road of research and development by themselves. Next, you will see our proposed product requirements and development direction, which are planned for the scenario of personal use in a small range:
      1.Exquisite and small, easy to carry and wear;
      2. The overall weight should be light, about the same as a mobile phone;
      3. A low-voltage battery power supply is included, which saves power in addition to safety;
      4. The battery must be an international standard commercial product, which is easy to repair or replace in the future;
      5. It should be convenient to charge and fully charged quickly;
      6. Round tube shape, easy to adjust the angle according to the body;
      7. It can be turned into a desk lamp or clipped on an easel through the fixture;
      8. At least meet enough and standard light sources within 45cm/120 degrees in front;
      9. Can br adjust the illumination and color temperature according of needs;
    10. Illumination and color temperature must be verified by third-party impartial organization;
    11. It should be easy to maintain, and all spare parts should be repurchasable;
    12. The overall quality should be sturdy and durable, and the buttons and interfaces should be impact-resistant;
    13. The appearance should be textured and the operation should be simple;
    14. In addition to the new product warranty, the supplier must also provide an emergency backup plan;
    15. There must be an anti-theft assistance mechanism;
    16. Use environmentally friendly materials as much as possible, and provide an upcycling plan;
    17.The price is cheaper!
    18.The price must be very cheap!
    19.The price must be very, very cheap!

    The above dozens of requirements are actually ready-made commodities that we originally hoped to be able to buy, but unfortunately, things went against our wishes and we couldnˇ¦t find them anywhere for a long time, so we had to do it ourselves.

    At the end, we know that our eyes will not be better or sharper than others, and the equipment and instruments are also very cheap. At the same time, we also know that the professional knowledge is not as good as that of experts and professors. The team size is even as small as the teeth, and the pockets have almost no depth at all. .

    But we rely on a little stupidity, full of expectations, and enthusiasm to make this product come true. We measure the real data for the product through a third-party impartial organization, and at the same time promise to all products sold are considered used, and we look forward to your approval.